Monday, 13 August 2007



The Arts have affinities with Science and Philosophy in that artists also explore the environment, experiences, and ideas.

I am not so much interested in representation as in trying to illuminate the essence of a subject or idea. I enjoy colour and form for their own sakes. Sometimes they alone can produce exciting, or disturbing images, which may penetrate below the level of consciousness.

The medium changes the outcome so I work with various materials, trying always to find the most appropriate, economic, and aesthetically satisfactory means of conveying my intention.


My work has been shown at Open exhibitions in London and the UK, and also by invitation at The White Room Gallery in Harlech, Wales, and The Old Hall Gallery, Cowbridge, Wales.

I exhibit regularly in the VOGA group exhibitions which, in 2005, included a European tour to Rheinfelden and Fecamp, and more recently Newport Museum and Art Gallery, and St. David's Hall Cardiff. I exhibit with the South Wales Art Society and in 1998 was awarded their Portrait Prize, and the President’s Choice Prize.

The work shown in the Gallery exhibition is selected from my series entitled 'SEA PICTURES’